Updated: January 30, 2025
The katana is an iconic weapon of the Japanese samurai. This single-edged sword is known for its distinctive curved blade and is still used in martial arts today. To understand the katana, it is important to understand the parts that make up the sword.
The blade of the katana is its most distinctive feature. It is curved and can range from 24 to 30 inches in length. The blade is made of several different parts, including the shinogi, the shinogi-ji, and the ha. The shinogi is the ridge that runs along the length of the blade, while the shinogi-ji is the flat area on either side. The ha is the curved edge of the blade and is the sharpest part.
The handle of the katana is called the tsuka. This is usually made of wood and is wrapped in rayskin and silk or cotton cord. The handle is designed to provide a secure grip and is usually between 8 to 10 inches in length. The handle is also home to the tsuba, which is a metal handguard that protects the user’s hand from the blade.
The katana also has a scabbard, called a saya. This is typically made of wood and is often lacquered. The saya is designed to protect the blade and is usually between 24 to 30 inches in length. The kurikata is a knob on the saya that is used to secure the katana in its scabbard.
The katana is a complex weapon that has been used by the Japanese samurai for centuries. Understanding the parts of the katana is essential to appreciating its beauty and function.